
To configure mattermost as errbot’s backend, you must edit, which is created as part of the errbot initialisation process or downloaded from the official errbot documentation.

BACKEND = 'Mattermost'
BOT_EXTRA_BACKEND_DIR = '/path/to/backends'

BOT_ADMINS = ('@yourname') # Names need the @ in front!

    # Required
    "team": "nameoftheteam",
    "server": "",
    # For the login, either
    "login": "",
    "password": "botpassword",
    # Or, if you have a personal access token
    "token": "YourPersonalAccessToken",
    # Optional
    "insecure": False,                  # Default = False. Set to true for self signed certificates
    "scheme": "https",                  # Default = https
    "port": 8065,                       # Default = 8065
    "timeout": 30,                      # Default = 30. If the web server disconnects idle connections later/earlier change this value
    "cards_hook": "incomingWebhookId"   # Needed for cards/attachments


The above configuration example only shows mattermost settings, but all errbot configuration settings. Use the official errbot documentation to complete the above example.


Some Mattermost actions can only be performed with administrator rights. If the bot has problems performing an action, check the bot account permissions and grant the appropriate rights.